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  • Huntsville Educational Article of the Month - House Mouse Trapping Tips

House Mouse Trapping Tips

Mouse just like rat is among the most popular wild Huntsville animals that normally give home owners serious trouble. Trapping mouse is not as easy as it seems but is it possible. There are different kinds of mouse traps as well as foods you can use to bait the trap in order to increase your chance of trapping it the next morning.

Types of Mouse Trap
Finding mouse trap is not difficult as there are different types in the market. You can find lethal mouse trap of various forms and designs. Also, there are live cage trap of different types you can use as alternative when you do not want to use lethal trap. Some lethal mouse traps include: Snap trap, glue trap and others. What you should know is that killing the Alabama mouse with lethal trap is completely inhumane. You can also trap mouse with live cage trap designed specifically for mouse trapping when you want to handle mouse humanely.

Foods To Use as Mouse Bait
Mouse just like rat normally eats virtually anything they come across when hungry. But there are some foods that are more attractive to them than other which you can use to bait the trap. You can make use of fish, bread, leftover food and even peanut butter to bait your trap so as to lure mouse into your trap. You can make use of fish, crayfish, bread and others to bait your trap and be sure of catching the Huntsville rat the following morning.

Trap Mouse Easily With This Method
If you want to trap mouse in your trap either lethal or live cage trap you need to follow this steps. The first thing is to find out the areas with most Huntsville mouse activities in your house. Then confirm the entry and exit point of mouse in your house and keep the trap there. Make sure that you bait the trap with fish or other attractive food. Then you should check your mouse trap regularly to remove the trapped mouse without delay.

What You Should Do After Trapping Mouse
If you succeed in trapping the Alabama house mouse with your trap the next thing is to think of what to do with the mouse. In some areas it is legal to kill mouse on sight and dispose the body accordingly while in some areas you will be advised to relocate the rat. Just confirm that from your local Huntsville law.

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